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Join the International Forum Sábias Vivências and discover the secrets of healthy aging with the wisdom of those who have traveled this path with vitality.

Don’t let the challenges of aging stop you from living fully. This forum is designed to create discussions and provide the necessary solutions to overcome barriers in Gerontology. Join us and turn challenges into wisdom!

Don’t miss this unique opportunity for sharing experiences and knowledge.

Don’t let the challenges of aging stop you from living fully.

This forum is designed to create discussions and provide the necessary solutions to overcome barriers in Gerontology.

Join us and turn challenges into wisdom!

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August 6th: Legislative School of the Federal District (morning)

August 6th: Legislative School of the Federal District (afternoon)

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If you are a professional who:

Do you struggle to stay updated with the best practices and new research in gerontology?

Are you looking for opportunities to exchange experiences and learn from other professionals and experts?

Are you aware of the challenges in creating and implementing effective public policies for aging?

Do you recognize the difficulties in integrating health services to provide holistic care for the elderly?

Are you interested in learning about innovative projects and initiatives that address resource and collaboration shortages?

Do you miss having a solid support network to discuss challenges and solutions in the field of aging?

The International Forum Sábias Vivências is an initiative of Rede Geronto aimed at bringing together specialists, scholars, and the elderly community to discuss and share experiences and knowledge about healthy aging.

By participating in the Forum, you will have the opportunity to update yourself with the latest research and practices in the field, contributing to the improvement of elderly care and services. The exchange of experiences between professionals and the elderly community is essential for developing new strategies that promote active and healthy aging. This event is a unique platform to foster meaningful discussions and generate valuable insights that can transform how we approach aging.

Events like this are crucial for promoting the continuous update of professionals in the field, driving new research and practices, and fostering the creation of effective public policies. By integrating knowledge, practice, and collaboration, the Forum has the potential to drive significant transformations in the field of aging.

Join us and be part of this transformation!

I want my spot!

August 6th: Legislative School of the Federal District

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM: On-site Registration

9:10 AM - 9:30 AM: Opening of the On-site and Online Event

  • Suzana Schwerz Funghetto – Rede Geronto
  • Alcindo Antônio Ferla – Rede Unida
  • Ileno Izídio da Costa – Dean of Community Affairs at the University of Brasília
  • Simone Pereira Costa Benck – Rector of the University of the Federal District
  • Jane Mary Marrocos Malaquias – Director of Elegis
  • Wellington Luiz de Souza Silva – President of the Legislative Chamber of the Federal District
  • Margô Gomes de Oliveira Karnikowiski – Center for Innovation at UnB (CIU)
  • Izabel Cristina Rodrigues da Silva – Coordinator of the PPGCTS FCE
  • Maria Augusta Nicoli – Rede Unida Internacional – University of Parma
  • Arthur Sperandeo de Macedo – ANACEU
  • Gilberto Amaro – Coordinator of Communication at UniSER

9:30 AM - 10:30 AM: Active and Healthy Aging: From Concept to Everyday Practice

Speaker: Alexandre da Silva, National Secretary of Human Rights

Moderator: Renata Innecco Bittencourt de Carvalho, Rede Geronto

10:40 AM - 12:00 PM: Wise Experiences in Universities and Italian Services Regarding Aging

Speakers: Andrea Fabbo, Territorial Hospital of the Italian Society of Geriatrics; Antonio Bonacaro, Associate Professor in General, Clinical, and Pediatric Nursing Sciences at the University of Parma

Moderator: Alcindo Antônio Ferla, Rede Unida

12:00 PM: Lunch Break

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM: Poster Presentation


Technologies and Innovation in Gerontology

Public Policies Related to the Elderly

Sociobiological Determinants for Elderly Health

2:40 PM - 4:30 PM: Wise Experiences in Higher Education Institutions and Brazilian Services Regarding Aging - Regions of Brazil

Moderator: Luciana Santos


Northern Region - Prof. Rosieli Chiaratto (FAEMA)

Northeastern Region - Prof. Jacira Serra (UNDB)

Southern Region - Prof. Rucieli Toniolo (Unidombosco)

Southeastern Region - Prof. Raimundo de Oliveira (FSA)

Central-Western Region - Prof. Demétrio Gomes (SESC)

4:30 PM: Break

5:00 PM - 5:50 PM: Wise Experiences in the Community - The Influence of Knowledge and Social Projects


Knowing the Parliament - Legislative School - Elegis - Jane Marrocos

CONVITA Project - Diego Felix

6:00 PM: End of Day's Activities



August 7th: UnB - Ceilândia Campus (Hybrid)

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Wise Experiences in Services in Ceilândia

10:50 AM - 11:50 AM: Wise Cultural Experiences

12:00 PM - Lunch Break

1:45 PM - 2:10 PM: Opening of the Works with UnB Authorities and the University and Italian Health Service Network

  • João Paulo Chieregato Matheus - Director of FCE - UnB
  • Izabel Cristina Rodrigues da Silva - Coordinator of PPGCTS
  • Camila Areda - General Coordinator of UniSER
  • Maria Augusta Nicoli - Rede Unida International - University of Parma
  • Margô Gomes de Oliveira Karnikowiski - Innovation Center at UnB (CIU)
  • Suzana Schwerz Funghetto – Rede Geronto

2:10 PM - 2:30 PM - Understanding the Health and Epidemiological and Socio-sanitary Data of Ceilândia - Auditorium of UnB

Carla Pintas Marques, from FCE - UnB

Moderator: Marina Stival - FCE, University of Brasília

2:30 PM - 5:00 PM - Presentation of Work Related to the Elderly - Auditorium of UnB

Silvana Schwerz Funghetto - UnB

Margô Gomes de Oliveira Karnikowiski - UniSer

Moderator: Izabel Cristina Rodrigues da Silva, Coordinator of PPGCTS FCE - UnB

6:00 PM - Closing of the day's activities

Andrea Fabbo

Dr. Andrea Fabbo, MD, is a geriatrician specializing in the treatment and management of dementia (pharmacological therapies and psychosocial interventions). He works as the Director of the Dementia Program at the Local Health Trust of Modena, Italy. Fabbo is responsible for coordinating 10 Memory Clinics and specialized dementia services in the Primary and Hospital Care Department (Neurological and Geriatric Services) and is a consultant in the "Dementia Project" of the Emilia-Romagna Regional Government. Dr. Fabbo collaborates with Alzheimer’s caregiver associations on many projects (Alzheimer Emilia-Romagna and Alzheimer Uniti Onlus) and with the European Interdem Group (Early Detection and TIMely INTERvention in DEMentia).

Maria Augusta Nicoli

She holds a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Università di Bologna (1981) and a PhD in Social Psychology from the Università di Bologna (1990). He is currently an Associate Professor at the Università di Bologna. From 2011 to 2022, he coordinated the Research and Education Unit of the Department of Mental Health at the Università di Bologna. His research focuses on health promotion and healthy aging, particularly concerning mental health and well-being in the elderly. He coordinates the Center for Aging Studies at the Università di Bologna and is responsible for creating and managing courses and seminars for the elderly public.

Alcindo Ferla

Graduated in Medicine and holds a PhD in Education from UFRGS. He is currently an Associate Professor at UFRGS, working in the Graduate Program in Collective Health, and also teaches at UFPA, UFMS, ILMD/Fiocruz Amazonas, Università Di Bologna, and UNICA in Nicaragua. He leads the Rede Interstício Research Group and is a member of the Technical Chamber of Research at the National Health Council. He is the leader of the International Research Group on Policies and Practices in Education and Collective Health (Rede Interstício) and a Titular Member of the Technical Chamber of Research at the National Health Council. He has extensive experience in Collective Health and Education, focusing on topics such as health integration, health communication, continuing education, and international cooperation in health and education.

Antonio Bonacaro

With over 20 years of experience as a specialist in intensive care nursing and a nursing educator, he is passionate about enhancing the quality and effectiveness of nursing practice and education through research and innovation. As an Associate Professor of Nursing at the University of Parma, he teaches, tutors, and supervises undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students, in addition to collaborating on research projects and generating income.

Carla Pintas Marques

PhD candidate in Collective Health at UnB, Master in Health Administration from UERJ, and graduated in Nursing from UNICAMP, where she also completed specialization in Intensive Care. Assistant Professor of the Collective Health course at UnB, Ceilândia Campus, and Coordinator of CoAVS/DASU/DAC at UnB. Chair of the Board of Icipe, managing the Children's Hospital of Brasília, and President of ABEFACO/DF. She works in the field of Collective Health, focusing on Public Policy Management, Health Services Management and Work Processes in Health, Health Care Models, and Primary Health Care.

Jane Marrocos

Graduated in History, Social Studies, and Law. Postgraduate in People Management. Executive Secretary of the Administration, Budget, and Finance Area and Director of the School of Legislation at the Legislative Chamber of the DF. For over two decades, she has been part of the senior management of the Legislative Chamber and is a member of the Sustainability Management Committee. Chair of the Advisory Board on Culture at the Legislative Chamber of the Federal District. She was a member in 1999 of the Organizing Committee for the International Year of Older Persons in the Federal District. Responsible for the "Conhecendo o Parlamento" Project and various initiatives in the Federal District related to Political and Civic Education in an intergenerational context.

Renata Innecco

PhD in Education from the University of Brasília (UnB). Master’s in Education from the University of Brasília (UnB). Specialist in Distance Education from the Catholic University of Brasília (UCB). Bachelor’s in Social Communication from the University of Brasília (UnB). Psychoanalyst from the Institute of Psychoanalysis Society of Brasília (SPBsb). University professor in undergraduate and graduate courses for over 20 years. Former Extension and Community Integration Advisor at the Centro Universitário de Brasília. Former Vice-President of the Forum of Private Higher Education Institutions (FOREXP) and member of the Board of FUNADESP. Former BASIS evaluator for INEP/MEC. Former Parliamentary Advisor at the Chamber of Deputies.

Silvana Funghetto

Nurse with a solid academic background, including specialization in Intensive Care in Neonatology, Pediatrics, and Adults, a Master’s in Nursing from UFRGS, and a PhD in Health Sciences from UnB. As an evaluator for BASIs at INEP, she contributes to the quality of higher education in nursing, focusing on authorization, recognition, and renewal of courses. Currently a faculty member at UnB and in the Graduate Program in Science and Technology in Health, she is distinguished for her work in aging and the development of educational technologies.

Izabel Cristina Rodrigues da Silva

Associate Professor at the University of Brasília in the Pharmacy course, Clinical Analysis section. She is currently the head coordinator of the Graduate Program in Science and Technology in Health (UnB). She holds a degree in Biomedicine from São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho, a Master’s in Sciences (Experimental Pathophysiology) from the University of São Paulo, and a PhD in Molecular Pathology from the University of Brasília. She is a specialist in Public Health with an emphasis on Health Surveillance. She is currently pursuing degrees in Chemistry (UNIP) and Data Science at Uninabuco. Her experience includes Human and Medical Genetics, Biostatistics, and Health Surveillance. She works on projects involving genetic polymorphisms, aspects of Health Surveillance, and non-clinical studies.

Simone Pereira Costa Benck

Master's in Education from the University of Brasília (UnB), with degrees in Economics from the Centro Universitário de Brasília (CEUB) and Mathematics from the Universidade Católica de Brasília (UCB). She is a specialist in Philosophy Teaching and Distance Education. She has been a teacher at the Secretariat of State Education of the Federal District since 1994, having served as Director of the Sobradinho/DF Regional Education and as Executive Secretary of CONAES. She was an Advisor in the Office of the Undersecretary of Basic Education and Executive Director of FUNAB. Currently, she is the Pro-Tempore Rector of the University of the Federal District since 2021. She has experience in Higher Education, educational management, Distance Education, and project methodology. She has been a member of the FAPDF (Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Distrito Federal) and FEPECS (Fundação de Educação e Pesquisa em Ciências Sociais) councils since 2019 and 2020, respectively.

Margô Karnikowski

Pharmacist, Master in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Doctor in Molecular Pathology from UnB, and Postdoctoral Researcher in Intergenerational Gamification from the University of Porto. Associate Professor in the Pharmacy course and advisor in the PPGCTS at UnB. Founder and Director of UniSER. She has served as a member and vice-president of the Teaching Commission of CRF-DF and as Director of Higher Education Evaluation at INEP. She coordinated Distance Education at CAPES. Her expertise includes Pharmacology with a focus on gerontology, rational use of medications, clinical pharmacy, and digital technologies for health promotion.

Diego Félix

PhD candidate in Public Health at the Public Health Graduate Program of the Faculty of Public Health at the University of São Paulo (FSP USP), Master’s in Philosophy from the Graduate Program in Cultural Studies at the School of Arts, Sciences, and Humanities at the University of São Paulo (EACH USP). Specialist in Management of Health for Older Adults from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO - WHO). Specialist in Arts Languages from the Faculty of Education at the University of São Paulo (FEUSP) and graduated in Visual Arts from the Paulista Faculty of Arts. He received the award at the 6th edition of the Bradesco Seguros Longevity Awards 2019 in the category of Research in Gerontology. Currently, he works as a consultant and institutional manager at Convita - a service of the Patronato Assistencial Imigrantes Italianos focused on socio-assistential care for elderly Italian immigrants.

Arthur Sperandeo de Macedo

Administrator and President of the National Association of University Centers – Anaceu. He was General Director of Faculdade Futura and Director of Institutional Relations at Somaero (Sociedade Melhores Amigos da Aeronáutica). He is a member of the Board of Trustees of Fundação Santa Dumont and the Board of Directors of ABMES (Brazilian Association of Higher Education Institutions). He has been involved in the management of higher education institutions since 1998.

Camila Areda

PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeirão Preto (2009) and graduated in Biochemical Pharmacy from the University of São Paulo (2003). She is currently a professor of Pharmaceutical Economics and Management, Pharmaceutical Technology, and Homeopathy at the University of Brasília (UnB), Ceilândia Campus, and a professor in the Professional Master's program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation - ProfNIT (UnB/CDT focal point). Camila is the General Coordinator of UniSER (University of Aging).

João Paulo Chieregato Matheus

Physiotherapist with a master's and doctorate in Medical Sciences (Rehabilitation) from the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto at the University of São Paulo (USP). He is an Associate Professor at the University of Brasília (UnB), where he served as the coordinator of the Physiotherapy course from 2013 to 2016 and is currently the Director of the UnB Ceilândia College (FCE). João Paulo is also a supervisor in the Graduate Program in Health Sciences and Technologies at UnB.

Suzana Schwerz Funghetto

Special Educator with a doctorate in Health Sciences and Technologies. With a career focused on education, she emphasizes the importance of special education, higher education, and teacher training, integrating her knowledge with health education and accessibility. Her experience includes the general coordination of the evaluation of undergraduate courses and higher education institutions at INEP, highlighting her commitment to improving educational quality in Brazil. She is currently dedicated to lifelong learning, significantly contributing to inclusive and innovative educational practices for curriculum and aging through REDE GERONTO.

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